Watching the Super Bowl, drinking wine, but I want a drink. A cocktail. What's in the kitchen? Rye, Cardamaro, a lemon, Ramazzotti amaro. Run downstairs and grab the Dal Degroff's pimento bitters and voila--planned happenstance. Even the measurements were influenced by the jigger I had nearby--a 50 mL/25 mL measure.
Planned Happenstance
50 mL George Dickel rye
50 mL Cardamaro
25 mL Ramazzotti amaro
4 dashes Dale Degroff's pimento bitters
Stir over ice, strain up into cocktail glass, and garnish w/lemon peel.
It's warm, rich, layered, sweet, a little spicy, and perfect for a snowy February evening while watching the big game.
Cheers! ~Dr. Cocktation
Mitchell, Levin, AND Krumboltz would love this drink.